Although the ideal packaging would be to include Falcon as a Git submodule, I decided to pre-compile Denarius into a JAR stored into the /lib directory to avoid Leiningen complications in the starting phase and be able to focus on the implementation.
I compiled the library and pushed it into Github and then I received my new laptop, so I installed everything from scratch, including the JDK, and cloned everything back into the new laptop. The next stage would be to use the REPL to quickly get used to Falcon.
=> (import [falcon.fix Session Versions])So I digged up a little bit and found some interesting information here, which led me to here and then to correctly configure Eclipse (Aptana) to use an external JRE to run things.
UnsupportedClassVersionError falcon/fix/Session : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1 (:-2)
Basically, you need to explicitly tell Eclipse to use the external JDK you are using. You can find the setting under Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs.
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