To check for prime numbers:
def prime(x): return not any ( ( x % (np.array(range( int (np.sqrt(x)) ) ) + 2) == 0 ).tolist() )Remember that the fundamental theorem of arithmetics guarantees that every integer can be decomposed in prime numbers, and that it is necessary to divide up only to a number's square root to know whether it is prime, a fact known in ancient Greece among many facts about integer arithmetic (for instance, Euclid proved that there are infinite prime numbers in Proposition 20 of his Elements)
def divisors(x):In this case we need to check whether primes from 2 to half of it (we could optimize this by finding the minimum factor, and the range of checks we really need to do is (min_factor(x) , x/min_factor(x) ) ), since having a factor larger than its half would imply it is prime by the previous principle.
return np.array( [k for k in range( 2, int(np.sqrt(x) ) ) if prime(k) and not x % k] )
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