Sunday, November 17, 2013

Two very simple Python functions to ckeck prime numbers and list divisors

Here are two simple functions (with no error checking, so watch your inputs) to check whether a number is prime and to list all divisors of a number.

To check for prime numbers:
def prime(x): return not any ( ( x % (np.array(range( int (np.sqrt(x)) ) ) + 2) == 0 ).tolist() )
Remember that the fundamental theorem of arithmetics guarantees that every integer can be decomposed in prime numbers, and that it is necessary to divide up only to a number's square root to know whether it is prime, a fact known in ancient Greece among many facts about integer arithmetic (for instance, Euclid proved that there are infinite prime numbers in Proposition 20 of his Elements)
def divisors(x):
    return np.array( [k for k in range( 2, int(np.sqrt(x) ) ) if prime(k) and not x % k] )
In this case we need to check whether primes from 2 to half of it (we could optimize this by finding the minimum factor, and the range of checks we really need to do is (min_factor(x) , x/min_factor(x) ) ), since having a factor larger than its half would imply it is prime by the previous principle.

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