Functional [programming] people are proud of their new toy called the REPL almost as if interactive development was a new concept. I guess that coming from Java and the generalist software development languages makes you think it is (although generalist but interpreted languages such as Python have always had an interactive interpreter). People who have worked with scientific modelling software such as Matlab or R (myself included) are used to this way of developing: rapidly modelling an idea into a few lines that could be recalled and modified according to one's needs.
This, however, becomes dangerous when developing software. When making a software product, one is one step ahead from bare modeling, in the sense that full working conditions are taken into account, one of them being program startup. I say this because I've read some books on Clojure and always found them to work with the REPL to describe de language, obviating the classical software bulding cicle of write a source code file which includes a main function or entry point, compile it and execute the result. The REPL gives you the advantage of quick modeling, but it is very different from writing Clojure source files and integrate them into a whose system intended for production.
Despite not being so difficult being Clojure a JVM system, almost none of them explain the entry point to the program, and they stick to explaining language sintax and basic libraries on the REPL, forgetting about entry points and other production software issues such as multiple file integration. Some of them don't even include a section to Leiningen or Maven, and jump to using advanced features such as databases (Redis, MySQL, HBase) or web toolkits. Even those that come with brief introduction don't even put the reader in a context of making a deployable piece of software. Therefore, readers must resort to blogs to find that kind of information.
The REPL is useful. It is as useful as it is in the scientific/modeling world, but as software developers with deployable product, programmers must deal with things further than testing live, more important to their business.
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